Okay, so for this post I am supposed to find something I want to share on a weekly basis (this blog is a school assignment for those that did not know). I work hard at my job and at school. So I also want to laugh hard. So I am going to start doing Friday Funnies! I will link some things that I really find amusing from the Funny Pages. To start with...
Then, Foxtrot math comics... Because I hate math.
Finally, I have always loved Calvin and Hobbes.... And his issues with school ring true to an aged adult.
I am also supposed to reference these to the theme of this blog.... I just finished a Mid-Term in Astronomy, some of the math involved is light trig... I have never had a single lesson in trig in my life. Foxtrot take me away.
For anyone who may like this blog, here is another that you may be interested in.
That is it for this time folks. I am half way through with the semester. One class may become easier (Astronomy) One more difficult (Writing for Multimedia), and while I enjoy learning I will be glad for summer, and the lack of homework that will allow me to enjoy my great passion, my bike.