Tuesday, February 27, 2018

I returned to school almost 7 years ago.  Yes, it is taking me forever going to school half time.  Between that and starting out with remedial classes (I graduated high school in 1987 and things have changed or been forgotten), I expect to finish in about 18 more months. 

I restarted school for one purpose.  I wanted to go into nursing.  I was ill, very ill just before starting school again.  The nurses were brilliant in helping me to recover, and I wanted to pay the treatment forward.  Unfortunately, I had to later admit that due to leftover physical limitation from my illness I was never going to be able to assist patients 12 or more hours per day.  So that goal was changed. 

My current profession is Licensed Massage Therapist.  So I already help people to feel better and improve their health.  Not at the level of a nurse, but I can still help.  I love my job, but it has its drawbacks.  Massage Therapy is an occupation that offers good pay, but few benefits.  The only way to gain benefits in my line of work is to perform massage therapy at a hospital working with patients.

This is my goal but it has obstacles before I can make it there.  I need a college degree to work with hospital patients.  So this means that my college career continues, but in a different direction than I had originally planned.

To Be continued....

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